
Everything You Need To Know About HIV

HIV is a debilitating virus that has many attributes that many do not know

When the HIV first broke out, up to 3.8 million people were infected in the world.  At that time many people believed that HIV was one of the deadliest diseases; however, things have changed.  Nowadays, It is understood that HIV is not as deadly as we originally thought.  Unlike when the disease first broke out, we now hear about drugs that can help individuals live a normal life.  Their life expectancy is now longer.

Here is everything you need to know about HIV.

What Is HIV?

HIV, stands for the Human Immune Deficiency Virus.  It targets the immune system of the human body, which causes the immune system to become weak.  HIV is transmitted through the exchange of fluids in the body from an infected person.

Many people wonder if being infected with HIV automatically means that they have AIDS.  The answer is no. After you are infected with this disease, the body must receive proper treatment.  This will help boost your immune system to stop AIDS from developing.  AIDS is an advanced form of HIV, which develops if you do not treat the HIV properly.

Life Expectancy

Imagine that your HIV test result are positive.  The first thought many people have is, “Am I going to Die”. Having HIV does not mean that your life expectancy is shorter, with proper care and regularly taking your medication you can live like a normal person or even longer than a person not infected with this disease.  Most HIV victims live a very long time, there are some required medications to help fight HIV and other diseases that will want to attack your body.

HIV And Sex

Being HIV positive does not mean that your sex life is over.  You can still have sex like people who do not have the disease.  Sex is a way of relieving stress in the body, so you should not deprive yourself from that.  However, before having sex, you should make sure you have condoms.  Make sure you can use one because it will help in having a good and safe sex life.

PREP,  is a pill given to people with HIV and also given to those without HIV to prevent the disease.  This is to help keep people safe. It is especially important for couples when one partner is HIV positive and the other is not.

Having Children

Can you be HIV positive and have children?   If you are a women, you will have to take medication.  If you are a man who is infected, the sperm will be washed off and then insemination will occur either through your wife, or  a surrogate.  All of these procedures require a HIV specialist to help carry out the process successfully.

Above all, it is advisable for you monitor your body properly,  to avoid any complications associated with HIV.


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