
Everything About Migraines

Find out why all headaches aren't created equally and how you may be suffering from much more

A migraine is known as a form of headache that triggers serious pain on a particular part of the brain.  Often times this pain is severe and can last for over 3 days.  People may experience other symptoms with migraines such as blurred vision, feeling light headed and nausea. Research shows that 12% of Americans suffer from these migraines.

What Causes Migraines?

Experts are not sure about the cause of migraines, but many people report certain triggers to their migraines.  Some of these triggers are:

  • Intense heat
  • Changes in barometric pressure
  • Bright lights
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hormonal changes
  • Skipping meals
  • Certain foods (i.e. chicken livers, pizza, alcohol and potato chips)
  • Food additives

These triggers vary from one person to another which is why medical experts advise a journal for headache. This can give them a clue of what causes migraines.

Who is At Risk?

It can happen to anyone at any stage in life either at early stages in life or adulthood. It can begin at any age. Women develop migraines more than men and it is also hereditary.

Migraine Symptoms

In almost all cases, migraines give signs before it comes. These signs vary from person to person, so give extra attention to your head when these signs are felt. These symptoms begin two days before migraine starts.

Migraine symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Frequent yawning
  • Hyperactivity
  • Dizziness
  • Moodiness
  • Confusion
  • Depression
  • Tingling sensation of the arms and legs
  • Painful throbbing sensation
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Vomiting

An estimated 30 – 50 individuals experience migraine aura before the migraine itself appears. Aura is when you have difficulty speaking, flashes of light in the eyes and transient vision loss.

These symptoms may still linger hours after a migraine is gone. This is known as the post-drone phase.

Effects Of Migraines

Migraine is associated with a couple of negative effects. Some people experience migraines for weeks at a time, this disables their daily activities for several days and migraine drugs also come with negative side effects.

How To Diagnose A Migraine

Your primary care doctor will give a referral to see a neurologist if you suffer from a migraine. The neurologist may do the following:

  • Order a blood test to verify if there is an infection in  your system
  • Order a resonance image magnetic test to give images of the brain and blood vessel
  • Order a computerized tomography or CT, scan. They create an image of the brain and also detect bleeding, brain damage or tumors.

Treatments For Migraines

It is generally recommended that pain relief administered to people with migraines.

  • Triptans – Are a popular prescription drug that relieves migrane. They help block the pain pathway to the brain.
  • Dihydroergotamines (D.H.E. 45, Migranal) – This medication is most effective if taken soon after the onset of migraine symptoms that last longer than 24 hours. You can take this medication in the form of a nasal spray, orally or an injection.
  • Anti-nausea – This can help with your migraine if you also experience nausea and vomiting as migraine symptoms.
  • Opioid Medications – Narcotic opioid medications can help.They are very addictive and should only be used if no other medications are effective.
  • Lasmiditan (Reyvow) – This drug is new and helps migraines with aura. Some side effects are dry mouth  and drowsiness.

Self-Medications For Migraine

Migraines can be treated at home successfully. Some home migraine treatments are:

  • Pain relief medication
  • Massaging the part of the head where the pain is
  • Placing a damp piece of cloth across the head reduces the pain

Are There Alternative Treatment For Migraines?

Of course, there are other options to explore to get rid of migraine.

  •  Acupuncture –  Can help in reducing and relieving the pains. Several disposal needles are used to relieve various pressure points.
  • Massage therapy –  This is a very effective method for getting rid of migraine. Since tense muscles also causes migraine, massage is a very effective and quick fix to migraine.
  • Coenzymes Q10 supplements – They have the ability to reduce the frequent occurrence of migraine, though no tangible study and report have been made on its effectiveness.

Stopping Migraine In Its Tracks

Since the major cause of migraine is from food and beverage, you should be careful of what you put into your body. Maintain a good eating habit and ensure that the body is not unnecessarily stressed. Also try to rest as much as you can.


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