
Facts about Obesity

Obesity is a deadly epidemic. Find out what classifies obesity and how you can treat it

Obesity is one of the world’s foremost killers; mostly among Americans. This very intense health condition which results in other health complications such as stroke, mental illness, heart disease, diabetes; low-quality life, cancer, and even death.

Shedding few pounds of body weight causes one to live a sick-free life and longevity. It also reduces blood pressure and cholesterol.

Generally, keeping fit reduces the risk of falling ill.

To know if you are obese or overweight, experts are likely to use your BMI to evaluate you. The BMI is used to ascertain the measure of fat in the body, and it can also monitor progress made while treating obesity.

How to calculate BMI.

Obesity is categorized into the following groups:

  • Overweight: BMI of 35 to <40.
  • Obese: BMI of 40 and above
  • Extremely obesity: BMI over 45
  • Normal to overweight: BMI 0f 30 t0 <35

Obesity signals

Obesity happens when a person’s BMI is over 40 and circumference of the waist is more than 40 inches for men, 35 for women.

When your clothes are becoming too tight, this could be a pointer to the fact that you are becoming obese. As soon as you notice this, it is recommended that you see a physician to help you ascertain the level of risk.

Knowing about abdominal fat can be achieved through an MRI, waist to hip ratio and combining waist circumference with abdominal fat.

Too much abdominal fat causes a huge risk of obesity.

What triggers obesity?

Obesity may result from an uncommon health issue; an example of such is a Cushing syndrome. Steroids and antidepressants can also damage the body’s metabolic system and cause over weight.

Routine medical check-up and records are imperative – there could be a medical issue that’s making you add weight unhealthily.

Obesity is commonly caused by idleness and excess eating. Being always idle can make you store up more calories than you’re burning, without knowing. Though being obese is far more technical than that.

From an overview, obesity is as a result of certain elements which comprises of your personal choice, behavior, and genetic makeup.

What you eat and how you eat determines your diet pattern. Eating in fast foods where more of high-calorie foods and sugary drinks with low nutritional value and high carbohydrate are served, would make you consume more calories than your body requires without vital minerals, fiber or vitamins.

Your alcohol intake, participation in physical activities, and consumption of medicines also adds to your body’s weight gain.

Think about this; a burger from a fast food has up to 540 calories in the sandwich alone, but if you prefer a chicken breast, you will reduce your calorie intake by lower than half; 231 calories.

Treating Obesity

A fad diet doesn’t eliminate overweight, but it helps to shed a few pounds of weight in the beginning. The only way to have a healthy lifestyle is to make one for yourself.

A fiber-rich diet that has little or no protein, coupled with constant exercise is sure to command a long lasting result.

Switching from a high-calorie diet to a lower one can also help in managing your health and weight. You can replace having a bagel with cheese cream (this has 436 calories) for just having two scrambled eggs that have 182 calories.

If you reside in a pedestrian friendly city or a town where a bicycle is allowed, you can be more active by choosing to engage in simple exercises. The fresh air you can help your mood just as the regular exercise can boost your endorphin and increase your bone density.

For complicated cases of obesity, an expert might advise going for specific treatments such as drug usage or surgery. Note that if you require surgery, a lifelong medication will be needed to prevent future occurrence.

Treating Obesity at Home

Striking a balance between calorie intake and calorie usage by the body will be the most effective way of fighting obesity.

Fad diets can quickly help you get rid of a few pounds of body weight, but at the long run, your body will regain them if you don’t create and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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