Getting a college degree pretty much guarantees that you will have a higher salary than a high school graduate. Even though a college degree qualifies you for a higher-paying job, there are a lot of well paying jobs that don’t require a college degree. Here are the highest paying jobs you can get as a high school graduate.
1. Transport, storage, and supply managers
Transport, storage, and supply managers can expect to earn a higher salary than almost all the other types of jobs that don’t need any formal education past high school. There are a number of job titles within this career. They are:
- Shipping Manager
- Supply Supervisor
- Warehouse Supervisor
- Transportation Manager
The main job responsibilities in these roles are:
- Adhering to budgets
- Directing, Routing and Dispatching Operations
- Supervising Employees
Demand for workers in this career is projected to decrease. Those with a high school diploma might find it tough to find work as a transport, storage or supply manager.
2. Elevator Installer and Repairer
You don’t need a college degree to become an elevator installer/repair person; however, you will need to complete an apprenticeship in this field. Being an elevator installer can be dangerous and difficult. Employees are vulnerable to falls, burns, and muscular strain. They often spend hours in areas like elevator shafts. Due to the prospect of emergency repairs, elevator contractors are on call 24 hours each day. Because of all of these reasons, they are paid well. You can earn more than $80k a year with just a high school degree.
3. Police Officers
Becoming a police officer or detective doesn’t require more than a high school diploma. All you have to do is complete and pass their coaching academy. You get a job as a police officer, criminal investigator, or detective after you complete the academy. The salary is usually higher than other careers that require similar requirements. A detective can earn over $77K annually. This high salary is because of the pressures and risks that police officers face on the job.
4. First-line managers of non-retail sales employees
These types of supervisors are accountable for supervising sales workers. They also have accounting, budgeting, and personnel responsibilities. While the job asks for a high school diploma, sales managers have to work their way up. Some sales manager jobs require as many as five years of experience in a related field. Division sales supervisors and sales managers earn $72,300 per year.
5. Transportation Inspectors
Transportation inspectors are responsible for conducting security inspections for all modes of transport, such as planes and trains. Almost half of all transport inspectors work for the government, and approximately a third job in the personal transport and warehousing market. Normally, a transportation inspector earns $70,820.
Job outlook for this profession is less promising. It is projected that the amount of transport inspectors will expand by only 1.2% in the next four years.
6. Mailman
Mailmen and mail superintendents do not need more than a high school diploma. Even though there is a low educational barrier to enter the field, mailmen need to possess some on-the-job experience. In addition, they need to have management skills, organizational abilities, and also a knowledge of business management. Mailmen and mail superintendents make about $70k a year.
7. Media And Communication Equipment Workers
Media and communication equipment workers work mostly in the motion picture and movie market. Over one-fourth of these workers live in the Los Angeles metro area, because this it is the home of the film industry. Film work is usually inconsistent, which is a reason for its high minimum pay. Jobs may include team positions like boom operator, grip, gaffer. The more technical positions pay higher wages. The normal press and communication employee earns $70,590 a year.
Final Thought
A college graduate makes about $23K more than a high school graduate. This alone should make someone want to get a college degree; however, if college is just not for you there are high paying jobs that don’t require a college degree. Many of these jobs will require some type of training to specialize in the field or years of work experience. The good news is that you can still earn $70k as your starting salary without a college degree in hand.