Cold Treatment

What Are Some Treatments For The Common Cold?

When I was little, I dreamed about finding the cure for the common cold.  I’m sure lots of little kids had the same dream.  It is now thirty years later and I did not full fill that dream.  Actually, to date there is no cure for the common cold.  However, there are some great natural and medical treatments available for the common cold. These treatments have two goals: to make you feel better and to help you fight the virus off.

What Is The Common Cold

The common cold is a viral infection of your throat and nose.  It is normally harmless, but it might not feel that way when you are suffering from it.  The common cold is not caused by a single type of virus.  There are many viruses that can cause the common cold.  Most people recover from the common cold within a week to ten days.

Over-The-Counter Decongestants

Over-the-counter decongestants comprising pseudoephedrine will help clear and dry nasal passages, but only for a short while.  Decongestant nasal sprays such as oxymetazoline (Afrin) might help, but when they’re used more than 3 – 5 times, they can create a”rebound” effect.  This implies much worse mucus congestion. Pseudoephedrine might boost blood pressure and heart rate.  Don’t take it without first checking with a physician in case you have heart disease, hypertension , prostate issues , diabetes, or thyroid issues .

Over-The-Counter Cough Suppressants

Over-the-counter cough suppressants,  might be useful in case your cough is so intense that it interferes with talking or sleeping.  Otherwise, let yourself cough because you will need to and because coughing removes germs and mucus from the throat and lungs.


Antihistamines appear to help some individuals, but their impact treating colds remains undetermined.


Getting good rest is your key ingredient  to recovering from a cold.  You will find that you will need 12 hours of sleep every night,  to help your self re-cooperate.

Vitamin C

Both vitamin C and zinc are vital to create neutrophils.  Evidence shows that zinc can shorten the length of a cold, particularly in adults if taken within 24 hours of the start of symptoms.  However, stay away from zinc nasal spray because it can cause a loss of smell.

After a lot of research, vitamin C is thought to have little impact in preventing colds and in treating a colds.  There has been a lot of research in children and in adults, however, the results are inconclusive.  Taking too much  vitamin C can be detrimental.


Chicken soup is the ultimate food treatment for colds.  Recent scientific evidence shows moderate support for the belief that chicken soup reduces cold symptoms, notably congestion.

Healing remedies use spicy foods to help with respiratory illnesses.  Common food items are pepper, hot sauces, ginger, and lemon grass.  Any meals hot enough to make your eyes water will have the exact same impact on your own nose, promoting drainage.  A spicy hot soup can help alleviate your cold symptoms.


To alleviate cold symptoms, you can rub essential oils of aromatherapy on your body.  It can help to inhale it with steam, diffuse it into the air, or spray it onto clothes.  Lavender or peppermint can help clear stuffiness.  Also, try rubbing diluted lavender oil on the torso as a decongestant.

A cold can be annoying and difficult to get rid of.  However, with a combination of these home remedies you will be able to get rid of your cold faster.

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