
Traditional Learning Vs. Online Learning: Pros & Cons, And Benefits

Why you should consider Online Learning

Online courses/training has become extremely popular in the last decade.  A growing number of schools and businesses are providing classes online.  However, regardless of the popularity of online education, many people choose to steer clear because of misconceptions they have about online learning.  At the same time, traditional (classroom) learning is becoming outdated and schools are looking to embrace newer methods to keep students interested.  By comparing Online learning vs.  Traditional learning we can understand online learning better and hopefully give clarity to the misconceptions.  Read below to learn more about the similarities and differences of the two formats of learning. .

Online Learning

Online learning is great.  It gives students the chance to work at their own pace. It also provides people with busy schedules the chance to go back to school


Flexible Schedule

These days, people take professional degree classes to boost their credentials and increase their career opportunities within their own profession.  For instance, to get a promotion or get higher paid jobs; additional schooling is helpful.  However, most people are tired after a long day of work and don’t have the energy to sit in a normal traditional classroom.  This is where an online class works great.  It can help save valuable time and energy.

Can Set Up School Anywhere

An important thing about online learning is that individuals can set up school anywhere.  What does this mean exactly?  As long as you have an internet connection, you can do your online courses anywhere.  You can find a comfortable spot at home or even go to a coffee shop and spend hours there doing your schoolwork.

Virtual Office Hours

Students don’t directly interact with faculty.  If a student has questions, then they might find it hard to contact their teacher.  However, these classes often offer alternatives such as online forums, e-mails, and chat rooms.  These alternatives are great for to have questions answered.



Online classes require a lot of self-discipline.  You have to know when deadlines are and make sure that you meet them.  If you don’t stay on top of your work then the workload can pile up.  By having self-discipline, you will prioritize school work over other things.


A big problem with online schooling is that schools are not accredited.  It is important to verify that the school you are attending is accredited.  Schools that do not have accreditation do not get recognized by companies or other schools.

Traditional Learning

Traditional classrooms are important for younger students; however, everyone can benefit.  Traditional classes help students socialize with their peers, provide direct visual learning, and provide on the spot clarification to questions.


Student Teacher Relationship

Classroom learning helps students and teachers understand one another in a far better way.  This enables teachers to get to know the students and evaluate their strengths and flaws, and behave as mentors.

Class Discussions

In a traditional classroom, students can directly share their perspectives and describe their thoughts together with the teacher.  This allows students to have their questions answered right away.

Listening To Lectures

The majority of the time in a classroom is spent taking notes from the teachers lecture.  This can be helpful when studying for exams.  Teachers can also go over testing formats with students.  Knowing the Question & Answer design that will be on exams helps students study and master the material.

Teacher Interaction

Additionally, class room learning is significantly more helpful because of continuous interaction between students and teachers.  It can help students knock out their anxieties about assessments with the help of talking to teachers.  This would not happen in an online learning format.


Misdirected Focus

In traditional classes, students are focused on the wrong things.  Instead of focusing on understanding what the teacher is teaching, most students are fixated on taking notes.

Cookie Cutter Teaching

Traditional classes lectures are a one-fit-all lecture model.  The teacher will only have one way of teaching the material and if you don’t understand how they teach, then you are out of luck.  You will have to visit office hours or try to learn it on your own.

There are lots of pros and con on both traditional learning and distance learning.  Ultimately, it is what fits best for you.


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